About Eknath

Eknath is a musician. He has played the saxophone for over 45 years and taught and performed music professionally for more than 35 years.

Since 2008, he has been teaching Sampoorna Yoga in the lineage of Swami Sivananda and Yin Yoga. He offers yoga-related workshops, guided meditation, mantra chanting & kirtan, sound baths, yoga retreats, and yoga teacher training. 

He is a student of yoga master Shri Yogi Hari and has been for fifteen years. Furthermore, he studied Yin Yoga and functional anatomy with Paul and Suzee Grilley. He also trained with Marsha Wenig (YogaKids®) and facilitated yoga for children for four years. He lives in Belgium, where he co-founded the Sampoorna Yoga Studio Brussels in 2010.

Eknath loves spending time in nature, breathing fresh air, listening to bird songs, the rustling of leaves, and the sound of mountain rivers. Connecting with nature is at the foundation of his yoga practice. It helps him stay in tune with the core of his being, the ever-underlying inner peace. Things come into focus, questions are answered, and challenges dissolve like clouds on a sunny, windy day.